Category: Articles

  • Brake Line Length

    Are your parachute landings not as nice as you’d like? Have they gotten a little worse over time? The problem may be with the pilot… but then again, it might be with the brake lines you use to control your parachute. As the parachute opens, the friction from the slider grommets traveling down the lines…

  • Save a Life! (Look for Misrouted Chest Straps)

    Want to be a hero? Keep an eye on your friends’ gear when they’re getting ready to skydive or sitting in the plane. It can be easy to misroute a chest strap when you’re inexperienced, in a hurry, or just plain not paying attention, but this error can be caught with a careful inspection. In…

  • Right Seat Safety

    Riding in the copilot’s seat is a treat, but this seat requires a bit more attention to safety than a spot on the benches in the back of the plane. Here are a few tips on right seat safety from air boss Rabbitt Staib: No helmets in your lap–they restrict movement of the yoke. Don’t…

  • 3-Ring Maintenance

    The three-ring parachute release system was brought to the skydiving world by Bill Booth (the guy with the ZZ Top beard from the tandem video you probably watched at some point) to replace the Capewells that were in common use. For any more questions about history/function, feel free to drop into the loft to see…

  • Put Your Rig on Right

    Have you ever felt like your leg straps were sliding up your legs while sit flying? It’s a horrible feeling! Maybe it’s because, like many skydivers, you’re not putting your rig on quite right. If you tighten up your leg straps before your chest strap, chances are your container and hip rings will sit lower…