Category: Spaceland Policies
Unlimited Jump Package Survival Guide (Houston)
Welcome! We look forward to making ALL the jumps with you, ALL YEAR LONG!!! Here are a few tips about Skydive Spaceland Houston that you might find useful if you are moving here from afar. Buy before it’s gone! Drop Zone Address/Contact Info Skydive Spaceland Houston 16111 FM 521 Road Rosharon, Texas 77583 (281) 369-3337…
Manifest General Reminders
If you find yourself at the dropzone, you will most likely be spending some time in the manifest office. With the rapid rate of growth that Skydive Spaceland has been experiencing, we want to spread the word on some general reminders and guides for manifesting and sharing the space of the office. Manifest Basics What…
Spaceland Landing Area Policies: A Time and Place for Everything
Updated 2021 We all know that Skydive Spaceland is a world-class dropzone with excellent facilities and aircraft. What you may not know is that when we opened our doors in early 2000, Spaceland was conducting about 5000 skydives per year. Now, 15 years later, our air traffic has increased by about 20 times; we’re up…
Special Dives: Low/High Pulls, Toy Dives, Pond Swooping
Low/High Pulls High openings and low passes must take into account the number of airplanes flying, other skydiving activities, and canopy descent rate. We cannot always accommodate low passes or high openings. We cannot guarantee that low-pass jumpers will land alone unless only one plane is flying. Ensure that the aircraft is configured for your…
Landing/Canopy Safety
Canopy Safety Wind indicators: Landing direction arrow, flags, wind sock. The landing direction arrow is an air-traffic control device that sets the landing direction on the north side of the runway. Know the landing direction before takeoff, and check the landing direction indicator (LDI) north of the runway after you open and check canopy in case…
Aircraft/Loading Area Safety and Policies
Winds Aloft This information is posted daily on the board near the aircraft mockups. Also check out our weather page… Loading Area We use loading area 1 (north of the hangar) on cold starts/after fueling, and loading area 2 (northwest corner of hangar) on hot turns. Please be in the loading area on the 5-minute…
Wingsuit Dive Policies
Wingsuit jumps carry many of the same risks as tracking/angle flying because of the horizontal movement component. They can also pose a risk to later-dropping aircraft because of the extremely slow fall rate. They can pose challenges when dealing with malfunctions as well, because of the limited mobility many suits allow the jumper before wings…
Tracking/Angle Dive Policies
Tracking dives are fun… free flowing… and inherently potentially riskier than dives that fall straight down. Any dive in which jumpers plan horizontal movement will require additional safety considerations to reduce the additional risks. Spaceland has developed several policies for tracking/angle dives with the blessings of our staff and experienced tracking organizers. Please follow these…