As a current or former student in our Skydiver Training Program here at Spaceland, you have access to our skydiving students group on Facebook. This group is a ton of fun! You’ll find everything from freefall and canopy control questions to gear inquiries, discussions of who’s jumping on a particular day, Spaceland event announcements, and what crazy exit people want to try on their post-graduate dives.

We keep this group focused on safety/training and skydiving, so the signal to noise ratio is pretty good. Unlike many corners of social media, this group is a valuable use of your time for continuing education, support, and skydiving photos/videos.

Many of our highly experienced jumpers and instructors keep in touch with this group to offer advice and answer questions, so know the advice you get here will be of high quality and in line with your training. It’s a great digital bonfire for all jumpers, new and experienced! So grab a beer and let’s chat. 🙂 What questions do you have about skydiving safety and training?