Getting ready to board an aircraft for skydiving is more than a little different than boarding a plane for commercial travel or getting in a car for a drive. There are concerns for personal safety, the safety of others in the plane (and the plane itself), and efficiency. Stay safe and efficient with these loading tips!

Personal Safety

  • Complete your gear checks before the plane pulls up. This means 3 rings, handles, and buckles are all in place, tightened where applicable, and with excess straps stowed. You will not be allowed to board the aircraft otherwise.
  • Make sure you have all the accessories you need (helmet, goggles, altimeter).
  • Stay behind the white fence (loading area 1) or between the hangar and the ditch (loading area 2) until the loader walks out to the plane.
Safety of Others
  • Know which direction jump run is flying, which direction to track away from other groups and fly your canopy, etc.
  • Talk to others in the loading area to see what groups before and behind you are doing and plan a safe exit order.
Efficient operations help us keep costs down (including jump ticket prices!) and fly more loads in a day. Be considerate of operating efficiency and other jumpers’ time by:
  • Being geared up and in the loading area at the 5-minute call.
  • Lining up right behind the ladder before the plane arrives, so you’re ready to load right away (i.e., not sitting on the benches until the plane is parked).
  • Get into the plane quickly and sit as far forward as possible. If the load is not completely full, you can shift towards the tail to gain more space when you remove your seatbelt after takeoff.